* Give some crackers/fireworks etc., to the poor kid standing nearby too. He would be overjoyed. Better still ask him to burst it in front of your eyes.
The joy of donating should be felt.
* Please do not create much work for the Watchman/sweepers etc., Collect the Flower pots, sparklers etc., yourself and dispose it in the bin. Your surroundings look clean too.
* Be considerate. Old people/new born babies etc., also live in the neighbourhood. Avoid hydrogen bombs/atom bombs.
* If you are the person who gets enormous amount of sweetboxes, do not munch them all by yourself. Donate them to the needy people around. Let them celebrate too.
[Info: The silver layer spread on sweets are made by beating tiny bits of silver with a hammer. The tiny bits are placed inbetween layers of fresh sheep's underskin.]
Voracious Blog Reader
Old Monk Rum Review
3 weeks ago